Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sharing some cards i made...

I was so sick over the weekend with the flu!
I am feeling 100% better now, thank goodness!
Praying the kids don't get it next...they seem fine though.
i created a couple of cards last night and wanted to share...
they are both very different in style but i had fun making both :)
Thanks for stopping by...
Nothing much exciting happening here.
Friday, January 25, 2008
YEAH...it's friday!!!

I LOVE weekends :)
Yesterday it was cold {as always}.
i wanted to take some pictures...kids were up for it, PJ not so impressed!!
So i got the kids outside and snapped some of them, then i talked PJ into just a couple of pics...5 minutes at the most!
I like how most of them came out...and it wasn't just as bad as PJ thought.
i also made a card from the scraps of my layout below!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A little nesting...

Nesting that is!!
i have been cleaning and sorting and freaking out all week!! OK all month!!! LOL
I have sooooooooo much to do before this baby comes and i just think my list will never some to an end. I have sorted clothes {where do they all come from anyway...i swear they multiply}...cleaned my oven...sorted more clothes and did about 20 loads of laundry {ok, so maybe not 20 but it feels like 20} LOL. I have been freaking out about the nursery and Maddies new bedroom, and the amount of sorting and cleaning that needs done for that! Maddies new big girl room is currently our one and only junk room...the place we keep all our stuff that we don't need right away but cannot get rid of it. It is ceiling to floor stuffed with stuff...you can just about step into the room and that is it!!! I have nightmares about it...LOL
So...anyway, enough of me freaking out about things that will happen {probably the week before the baby comes}.
I scrapped last night...i think i am scrap nesting too...i have tons of pics that need to go into albums so i have been on a scrapping kick lately. it's been fun...it has been a while since i have been so motivated to scrap anything. :)
Well...i hope you all are well and not catching the nasty bug that is going around!!
It's traveling around here like wild fire!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Scrappy happy news...

Well what a weekend...
Friday afternoon a package arrived on my doorstep and inside it was my copy of Scrapbook Trends wedding book...it has a layout i made of my sister and her hubby in it...it's one of their many engagement pictures. There was also all kinds of goodies in the box as a Thank you!!! can't wait to use them.
Then Saturday night i got an email from Scrapbook Trends requesting one of my pages for their June issue! I was so excited. It is the "Model Bride" page i did my sister. :) Looking forward to that!
i was also feeling creative this weekend and made my sister this wall hanging...she saw mine last week when she was over at the house and asked me to make her one...so of course i did! LOVE how it turned out...and i think she liked it too!! Judging by the "Ohhhh...it's soooooooooo CUTE" reaction she gave!!! LOL
I also made a little thank you card from some scraps i had left over from a layout i am working on...hope to get it finished soon....i even have the title, journaling and design done...but there is *something* missing??? Not sure what exactly....
DH has been sick all weekend, so it has been quiet around here...we have not moved from the house since Friday!!! Tonight though i have a PSE class, me, Cathy and her boss are all going...i am excited because i have had my PSE for probably a year and have not a clue how to use it all!!! i edit my pics in it...but that's about it. I hope to learn LOTS!
Friday afternoon a package arrived on my doorstep and inside it was my copy of Scrapbook Trends wedding book...it has a layout i made of my sister and her hubby in it...it's one of their many engagement pictures. There was also all kinds of goodies in the box as a Thank you!!! can't wait to use them.
Then Saturday night i got an email from Scrapbook Trends requesting one of my pages for their June issue! I was so excited. It is the "Model Bride" page i did my sister. :) Looking forward to that!
i was also feeling creative this weekend and made my sister this wall hanging...she saw mine last week when she was over at the house and asked me to make her one...so of course i did! LOVE how it turned out...and i think she liked it too!! Judging by the "Ohhhh...it's soooooooooo CUTE" reaction she gave!!! LOL
I also made a little thank you card from some scraps i had left over from a layout i am working on...hope to get it finished soon....i even have the title, journaling and design done...but there is *something* missing??? Not sure what exactly....
DH has been sick all weekend, so it has been quiet around here...we have not moved from the house since Friday!!! Tonight though i have a PSE class, me, Cathy and her boss are all going...i am excited because i have had my PSE for probably a year and have not a clue how to use it all!!! i edit my pics in it...but that's about it. I hope to learn LOTS!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Sugar rush!

these were the very first pictures i took with my XTI!!!
It was at Dairy Queen, we went there to celebrate me getting my camera!!! LOL
Madison certainly enjoyed her ice-cream! I got mini prints made up at walmart because i wanted to use all the pics on my page and that is not possible with bigger pics!! LOL FUN memory from last summer!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
20 weeks...

Well i am half way through my pregnancy already!!
I had my camera all set up on the tripod ready for pictures when PJ came home...so he said he would assist me!!! LOL
We had some fun and tried a couple of new shots.
So here they are the 20 week pics!!
My belly is just growing by the day it seems! The baby is really starting to kick hard now...and i can feel it on the outside. I love this stage of pregnancy where you actually look pregnant but you are not so big that you are uncomfortable...plus feeling the baby moving and kicking is exciting and comforting :)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
OPAAT Feb kit!!!!!!!

Check out this gorgeous kit!!!
This is from http://www.onepageatatime.com/
Capella always puts together the most lovely kits...they are always stacked with paper and embellishments. I LOVE being on the design team over there and really hope you all check it out and come on over to chat sometime!!! ;)
I can honestly say you won't be disappointed with the kits from OPAAT...so head on over and check them out :)
Hope you are all having a great week!
I will be posting 20 week pics tomorrow!!!!!!!! Check back to see the belly!!! LOL
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Baby Cathcart...
I promised sonogram pictures so here they are!!
Here is our little "surprise" boy or girl!!
The first one is the profile shot which is my favorite because i think they look really alien like when you get the picture face on!!! {like the 3rd picture!!! LOL}.
Things are going good...feeling LOTS of movement and kicks. I have definitely POPPED this week! i will be posting my 20 week pics this week...i can't believe i am half way there already!!!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Quick update..

they are all so pretty...so easy to work with!!
I also have scrapday at my SIL's house on Saturday! I love these days...i always get tons done!!! Plus the food is always a bonus!! LOL
**Tonight Me, Madison, Cathy and Sydney are going to Disney on Ice!!! I am so excited! It is Princess Disney on Ice too!!! :) Madison doesn't really understand where she is going but i know she will LOVE it!!! I will be sure to bring my camera and snap some pics!! ;)
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Without Power...

I have been working on some scrappy stuff...having fun with my cuttlebug.
Dayami from OPAAT talked me into getting one...and i LOVE it!!! ;)
i want to emboss everything!!! LOL I made a page on my hair do from my sisters wedding....i am a flat iron kinda girl normally but my sister insists that bigger is better {especially for wedding hair}...so i made her day with BIG hair and curls!!! I also made this little Thanks card...i used my embossing machine for it!
Took some pics of the kids...hope you are not bored seeing my kids on my blog with every post!!! LOL I know Janine isn't...so i post them for her! :) I changed them to B&W in my PSE because they were taken in a resturant and the lighting was crap...i really need to invest in a good flash!!! My next purchase hopefully SOON!!!
Friday, January 4, 2008
NEW YEAR Sled riding...

We had such a fun time...an elderly lady from our church has the most perfect hill in her back yard for this age group...Madison LOVED it!! Normally she is not fussed on the snow {like her Mummy!!}. Matthew on the other hand LOOOOOOOOOVES the snow so much! He was rolling in it and diving off his sled into it...and of course eating half of it too!!! LOL
So we had our big U/S yesterday at 9.30am!
After gagging down 36ozs of water {YUCK! LOL}...i was ready to find out what we were having!! Madison and Matthew both guessed BOY...i really had no idea and PJ thought GIRL....so off we went....me dying to pee from the second we got in the van, we then had to wait 45 minutes before they took us into the room!!!!!!!!!!!! I was DYING!!! She put the little thing on my tummy and there was our baby...moving and wriggling, kicking and waving!!! I am AMAZED i cannot feel all these movements...now i am wondering what the heck it is doing in there when i do feel it!!! LOL So anyway....back to the scan. She did all the measurements and checked out the heart and spine, everything looks GREAT. Then she asked us if we wanted to know the sex...of course we said YES! Madison immediately said "It's a BOY"...so she looked and looked and looked and looked...and tried a different angle and looked somemore...then she said
"I CAN'T TELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I don't see Boy parts but that doesn't mean anything...could just be too early {which i really don't think it is}...so we are thinking girl. But we really don't know for sure :(
I am actually not as bummed as i thought i would be...i am excited for June now even more!!! LOL i will scan the 2 pics we got of our peanut later...we got a really good side profile shot...and i have to say we have one very active little baby in there!!! She was having a really hard time getting the measurements because it was moving around so much!!!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
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