You can't be here to experience an actual ghetto cake so here is one for you... Hope you had a fab day...did you hear your message on your answering machine??? LOL LOVE YA, Michelle.
This is how Lilly does Tummy time!! She is not a fan of it at all...but i worry as all Moms do that she is going to get a big flat spot on the back of her lovely little head from all the laying on her we do tummy time...and it usually goes like this...but i guess it's better than nothing. None of my kids liked tummy was like too much work or something! LOL
Meet Benji...this is Madisons bestest friend. :) He makes her so happy! Isn't he cute...Benji was born 7 weeks after Madison and i have been taking care of him 4days a week since he was a tiny baby...we LOVE Benji, he is such a little Dude ;)
OMGoodness...i just thought this was so funny!!! Maddie wanted to wear her Princess dress tonight...she also wanted to play i told her to get shoes on...well she did...LOL I guess Princess's can do whatever they want and still look CUTE! :)
I couldn't resist taking some pics of Cathy's girls too...Sydney loves the camera and will pose for me anytime...unlike my kids! Emily doesn't seem to mind getting her pic taken either. They are so fun...i wish my kids would pose once in a while :)
So it's a long weekend here...we are going to be BBQing it up too!! :)
We have lots going on but it's all it's not so bad.
I hope you have a great weekend. I'll be back with more pics i am sure...i have been enjoying my camera lately.
I was going to make my blog a private blog but i have had so many emails and phone calls of people FREAKING out because they can't get on my blog!! LOL So i changed it back!! :)
A few days ago both kids had Dr appointments...Matthew had one more shot to get before he started Kindergarten so he got poked in the arm! He was so tears, he didn't even flinch! I think i was more nervous than him about it!! LOL I was so proud of him. Madison just had a checkup and she is a healthy girl :) Of course they were a little concerned about how small she is...but she is her Mother's daughter so i think she is just going to be small...i mean the girl can eat 5 pieces of pizza for goodness sake!! LOL
Matthew's bandaid...he had asked for a green one since that is his fav color but they didn't have the this one had to do!
Torturing his sis!
I love how Lilly lights up when Matthew talks to her...she really does love him. He is so sweet to her too :)
One of my fav girls EVER! She is just so cute!
So it is Matthew's 2nd day at school...he didn't want to get up this morning. I told PJ...It's starting, the whole not wanting to get up for school thing!!'s only day #2!!! I hope he had more fun today.
Well i am off to put Lilly down for a nap...
Keep watching i have tons more pics to post...i took some cute ones of the kids playing today!!
Matthew's first day at school today....{sigh} Where did the summer go??? I have been so nervous for this day...wondering how he would do and wondering how I would do!! Everything went great...Matthew was sooooooo EXCITED! We got him up this morning and he picked his new cargo shorts with the skull and crossbones belt {he so takes after his DanDan!!} and his Starwars lego t-shirt and his new sneakers to wear. I packed his lunch up this morning...which made me quite sad to think he would not be eating lunch with me and the other kids...gosh i hope he eats!! LOL
Here he is so excited....jumping up and down wanting to get going!
So my little boy is in school now...
I am looking forward to hearing how it all went...
I will update later!
**I have to update you about our vacation and such, i will do that in my next post!!
Matthews first day went good...i think!
He didn't say much about it...except it was a little boring! LOL
He said he liked playing with his friends at recess...
The teacher read them "The kissing hand" book then they colored a picture which MAtthew drew lightsabers all over {so typical} all in all i think he thought Kindergarten was OK. He said he wants to go back so that's good! :)
Oh...he did eat his lunch, but had trouble opening his now i have to look for different yogurts that he can open without help {rolling eyes}.
Oh and he was EXHAUSTED when he got it was off to bed early tonight!!
How cute is this picture of Miss Lilly??!! She is so super sweet...she gives me the biggest smiles every morning when i go to get her up...she smiles at me when i am feeding her, she smiles at me when i change her bum, she smiles at me when i talk to her...i just love her...she is so sweet and happy :) She is starting to really discover her hands and is funny to watch her...she moves her arms and watches her hands so closely...then she will quickly shove them in her mouth like they might get away!! LOL Too cute.
Here's another Mommy/Maddie pic!! LOL Didn't quite get everyone in the pic but i still like it...Madison had the biggest smile too. :) She has been eating like a beast these days...i cannot feed this child enough. She ate 5 pieces of pizza the other night when we went to Lenas!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was as much as PJ ate!!! Her belly was so big...and she was hungry an hour later! I hope she is growing. LOL
Now that i have Lilly on a good bedtime rountine i have some time to myself in the i get to SCRAP!!! YEAH :) I managed to make a card and layout last i was happy. I also got a couple more boxes of i am not short on scrap supplies! hehe...
Hope all is well with you...
We are off on vacation Saturday i probably won't be blogging for a while. Leave a comment if you stop by my blog :) I would love to hear from you.
Look at all the goodies!!!!!!! What a fun package to get! I have been waiting on this package FOREVER!! I am still waiting on my June and July stuff but i guess they have moved warehouses and things are a little crazy!!
This was my first publication with Paper Trends and i have to say the mag is beautiful! Lots of inspiration in it. I was pretty excited too because i also got a mention from the editor!!! :) How sweet is that?! Apparently she loved my little anniversary frame with the paper flowers!
Here are the projects: First one is a family wall got a double spread! LOL I loved this when i made it and was so happy it got published! Although i have missed it hanging on my wall this past 4 months!!!!!! It's good to have it back.
Second is a little anniversary frame i made...this pic was taken on our 7th wedding anniversary! Sorry about the crappy picture of the project i was in a rush yesterday to take them and didn't realize they looked so bad until i loaded them onto my computer then i couldn't be bothered taking more! LOL
I wouldn't call myself a card maker...i decided to make a few cards when i was preggo and then since i had made them i went ahead and submitted them! Well 2 got picked up by this FABULOUS magazine!! I was so happy to be in this issue...lots of cute ideas for my future cards!!!
Here are mine...the first one i made FOREVER ago...i made it at a scrapday where i got nothing else done only this card.
The second one is all stamped and colored with ink. It was fun to make!
Ummmm....not much going on. We took the kids to the fair yesterday...the 2 oldest had fun but Lilly HATED it. I think the noise and lights and stuff freaked her out...she wanted to be held the WHOLE DAY and only by ME!!!!!!!! I was tired by the end of the day. Oh i have some cute pics of her that i will post SOON!!!!! :)
CONGRAT'S to my friend Cathy on taking FIRST place in the B&W photo at the fair! SWEETNESS! :)
Monday, August 4, 2008
Princess Madison...heading to church Sunday morning!! Of course she insisted on wearing her brand new Princess and necklace. She was so cute. The Princess did let me take a couple of pictures but wasn't very co-operative after about 5 minutes.
Also had to snap a pic of my handsome boy...he LOVES his new t-shirts. Ummmmm...we really need to do something with that's looking shabby. Have a GOOD day everyone! We are heading to the Warren County Fair tonight :)
Thursday of this week we had gone grocery shopping and when we returned home we found 3 packages on our porch...there was one addressed to each kid...HOW EXCITING!!! We headed into the livingroom to open the packages...they were from Aunt Janine and Uncle Andy!!!!!!!!! {on the package it said from Andy Wacker BTW...we got a good laugh out of this!!!}. Aunt Janine and Uncle Andy had spent a couple of weeks in Florida, at Disney World!!! Read all about it on her blog... So here are the pics of the kids opening their presents...i have never seen such excitement...well only at christmas time maybe!! LOL
Matthew LOVED this T-shirt...he has not had it off him!! LOL He thinks he is so ripped in it! He also got a Spiderman T-shirt that he LOVES too. :)
Check out this AWESOME Starwars Baseball!!!!!! It is really cool.
Too cute Minnie Mouse ears! I love these on her...but Daddy is not allowed to try them on "Tause they are for dirls" {they are for girls!}. LOL
Madison got the most gorgeous Princess Dress and matching shoes...OMGOODNESS...this girl ADORES her dress. We had a chicken BBQ dinner later in the evening and she BEGGED me to let her wear it...i said "NO" because i did not want chicken grease on it...but she seriously would wear it all day long...she has big plans to wear it to church on sunday!! It is just perfect for her!! {photoshoot coming soon ;) }
Oh Maddie also got the cutest music box...this could not be a more perfect gift for this little girl...she has twirled and danced to this everyday...she listens to it everynight in bed...she calls it her "Very special box". Now we all have the theme song stuck in our heads 24/7!! LOL {BTW...Beauty and the beast is my fav Disney movie!}
Lilly of course had no idea what all the commotion was about!! LOL She had the cutest Minnie Mouse stuffed in her carseat with her...and she got a beautiful onesie with a tutu and a gorgeous wee cardigan...she gave he biggest smile when she first saw that Minnie Mouse!!
Matthew got this AWESOME flash makes a spiderman symbol on the wall...he took it to bed with him and played with it half the night i think!! LOL
One last little bit of cuteness...Miss Lilly with her cute tutu!! Well there you have it...what a nice surprise!!! The kids give BIG HUGS AND KISSES to aunt Janine and Uncle Andy for such AWESOME gifts... {you guys really do spoil them rotten!!!}...there will be more pics to come...especially of Maddie in her gorgeous dress. THANK YOU! Glad you both had fun at Disney.