I love this picture! She is such a wee sweetie. We can't help but just LOVE her. :)
so this weekend is another quiet and relaxing time together :)

so this weekend is another quiet and relaxing time together :)
I have laundry going...
house all picked up...
Maddie and Lilly napping...
Matthew is over at his friends Tatum's house...
PJ is working on his motorcycle...
and I am blogging :)
We watched a couple of movies this weekend too...
Heather and I watched "Step up" cause my sister Janine LOVES this movie...sorry Janine it was CHEESY BISCUITS...and i like cheesy biscuits sometimes but this was not good LOL ;)
I made PJ watch "Baby Mama" with me...it was pretty poor too. The acting was terrible...and it wasn't as funny as i thought it would be.